

As the year draws to a close, many are being bitten by the desire for change. The final holiday of the year can be a heavy week or two of over-eating and under-exercising. For a break with a difference, commit to creating a new you with a healthy holiday of self-improvement. Life-Coaching Retreats do more than your average holiday; they aim to change, to reset and recalibrate every part of your life. All the strands that are necessary for productive living are brought together for a comprehensive enhancement in one health focused package. Following your retreat, you’ll be readily equipped with the psychological tools to carry your progress forward. With guidance from the life-coaching experts, you’ll find your way to a fresh start and a reinvigorated you. Let’s explore our recommended life-coaching retreats for 2021:

Read more: New Year Improved You: Life-Coaching Retreats for 2021

Chronic pain can disturb your life, restrict you from daily activities, and can be difficult to manage. It can also affect your mental health, making you anxious, frustrated, and depressed. Some of the most common chronic diseases are backache, nerve damage, arthritis, and migraines. Painkillers can temporarily mask the symptoms of pain, but they do not address the underlying problems that make them persistent. Treatment like surgeries, implants, steroid injections can have long-term side effects on the body. But there are natural treatments available, going on a wellness holiday may be a solution for you. Health and Fitness Travel offers a range of retreats to combat ongoing chronic illness. Each retreat uses a holistic approach that includes physiotherapy, Ayurveda therapy, Pilates, yoga, massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy and more to treat the underlying problem from its root. You will not only learn how to manage the chronic pain but will be able to relax on the retreat, leaving you confident in addressing and managing chronic pain. Here are just a few of our bespoke retreats:

Read more: Learning How to Manage Chronic Pain on a Retreat


To put it simply, a wellness retreat is a holiday that concentrates on your health goals whereas a wellness tour spreads out your time: satisfying your love of culture or natural geography as well as your love of spa treatments. On a retreat, your time will be spent at the resort, usually enrolled on a wellness programme, and supported by experts in their field within a luxurious setting. A tour, on the other hand, will take you on a journey through your destination country and expose you to the wellness practices of the region. One style is immersive, a dive into the intricacies and depths of health therapies and the other is an exploration of all the region has to offer in terms of wellness and culture. Want to find out which one is right for you? Keep reading! 

Read more: What is the Difference between a Wellness Retreat and a Wellness Tour?

Considered one of the most welcoming countries around the globe, Thailand translates as ‘Land of the Free’. Travellers have been flocking to this country for years to enjoy the enriching culture, spectacular landscapes, and 3219km of gorgeous coastline. Thailand has also garnered itself prestige for having some of the most incredible wellness retreats, infused with the nation’s spirituality, medicine practises and meditation, becoming a standout destination for a wellness pilgrimage.  

Read more: The Best Post-Lockdown Wellness Retreats in Thailand

Stand Up Paddle Boarding or SUP is the ultimate water sport activity for beginners and is steadily rising in popularity. It is a fun, family-friendly means of exercise that is far easier to pick up than other types of board sport but can also be the perfect pre-cursor to a water sports holiday As a form of transport, it can take you to incredible locations that you’d never be able to access otherwise. The hidden coves that are too narrow for boats, the mysterious islands too far away to reach by swimming suddenly become accessible to those who travel by SUP boards. You’ll even get a full body work out from your adventures on the board. Your shoulders and arms drive you forward as your core and legs stabilise the deck.

Read more: A Beginners Guide to Learning How to Paddleboard


The increasing prevalence of remote work and tighter social distancing measures has created a new travel trend; instead of working from home, wellness enthusiasts are taking wellness holidays abroad where they can work remotely while pursuing healthy activities. At Health and Fitness Travel, we have seen an increase in clients wanting to leave the living room and carry on working remotely from holiday.

Read more: The World's Best Places to Work Overseas on Holiday

 Are you looking to up the ante on your health and fitness in the new year? A holiday tailored to your fitness goals will set you on the right path to achieving your fitness goals for 2021. You will feel rebalanced, recharged, and ready to face life’s challenges. From New Zealand to St. Lucia we have picked out a range of fitness holidays for 2021 with a variety of activities, including hiking, cycling, tennis, kayaking, to increase muscle strength and flexibility. From group bootcamps to one on one personal training and diet plans, Health and Fitness Travel offers the perfect healthy holiday to help you commit to your fitness goals in 2021.

Read more: Commit to your 2021 Fitness Goals with a Healthy Holiday

I’m a Celebrity...Get me out of Here! has been gracing our screens since August 2002; first of all, where on earth has the time gone? It was 2010 last week, we swear! Secondly, upon sitting comfortably getting ready to watch another group of celebs have spiders the size of small dogs thrown at them, we had a thought. Now admittedly (and thankfully) none of the wellness and adventure destinations we offer include having to eat unsavoury Kangaroo appendages, sleep with rats or swim with crocodiles...but many of them do offer a similar sense of adventure, exploration and group comradery.  

Read more: 5 of the best I'm a Celebrity...Get me out of here! Inspired Holidays


Spa and Hammam have been part of Turkish culture for the past 1400 years. Some of Istanbul’s marble bath houses have been in use since the early 18th Century. Our contemporary spa retreats may lack the impressive age of some of Turkey’s oldest bath houses but they certainly continue the ethos of their traditional practices.

Read more: The Best Wellness Spa Retreats in Turkey

Picking the right Christmas gift can be a minefield. There can be too much to choose from, too many people to buy for and you’re never quite sure if the recipient is going to like your carefully chosen gift! Travel though can be a way of enriching any person’s passion, regardless of how eclectic their hobbies and interests may be. A Health and Fitness Travel gift card is the ideal gift for anyone who loves travel and is passionate about personal wellbeing and or fitness!

Read more: Give the Gift of Wellness Travel this Christmas

In the ancient Indo-European language of Sanskrit, Abhyanga literally means ‘self-massage with oil’. This humble means of relaxing massage has scores of health benefits and is a great contributor to overall personal wellness. Ayurvedic massage, of which Abhyanga is an important element, has been practiced in India for at least 5000 years. This form of massage has an extensive heritage and a culture that has developed and improved over millennia. It is a style of wellness that is centred in the natural: encouraging one to find balance with the world around them through the meditative and soothing art of oil massage. An Ayurveda holiday is a chance to learn this ancient art form by those who practice in the tradition style of the old masters. 

Read more: What is Abhyanga?

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