

Routines meet interruptions, it is a part of life, and so is recovery. We have seen a growing demand from travellers looking to reset, recover and rebalance to jumpstart getting back to health and fitness during busy modern life.

With this in mind, to help boost your return or discovery of wellness habits, we have selected our top 5 picks for Recovery Retreats in Spain that are tailored to reset, revive and rebalance travellers. Return home refreshed both in mind and body with a much-needed change of pace and scenery.

There is something to suit everyone and at Health and Fitness Travel we understand everyone is unique. There is a beauty in individualism, and we all have diverging ways of achieving recovery from wellness retreats, be that with a focus on fitness, the immune system, the mind, to a purely pampering spa holiday.

Read more: Top 5 Wellness Recovery Retreats in Spain

Fuelling a successful, long-term fitness regime calls for optimal mental and physical stamina. Your body is your vehicle so replenishing your tank regularly is crucial for keeping your blood sugar levels stable and gearing up your mind and body for an effective workout. The right fuel will also aid your recovery before your next training session. Here are my top tips to help you learn how to fuel your fitness regime:

Read more: How to Fuel Your Fitness Regime

Whilst the world is getting ready to open up socially, there are definitely going to be some of you working from home for a good while yet or adopting a hybrid of working some days in the office and others at home. It’s important that we all maintain good health whilst doing so and there are no quick fixes – just healthy habits that provide the foundations for good movement, good sleep, and good mental wellbeing! With this in mind, here are 5 ways to improve your overall health whilst working from home.

Read more: 5 Ways to Improve Your Health Whilst Working from Home


Whilst travel as we know it has changed drastically over the last year, we’ve seen a growing demand from business travellers who are looking to work from holiday and book long stay wellness workcations ranging from 30 to 60 nights at a time.

Read more: 5 of the Best Wellness Retreats to Work from Holiday On


Activity holidays provide a great opportunity to try out something new in an idyllic environment. Stepping out of your comfort zone can initially be unsettling for anyone but can be especially daunting for those with learning difficulties. Which is why we’re proud to provide a range of accessible active holidays, which offer something for everyone looking to learn new skills, make new friends and memories that will last a lifetime whatever your personal requirements entail. Here are our top 5 activity holidays for adults with learning difficulties:

Read more: The Top 5 Activity Holidays for Adults with Learning Difficulties


Defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy”, the term “well-being” is often bandied about - particularly in recent times when mental health is so topical. Life remains far from normal and many of us are plagued by Zoom and desk fatigue. We've been eating, sleeping and working under the same roof with no real reason to leave our homes, and our “me time” often ends up being consumed by work - a recipe for physical and mental burnout. With this in mind, let’s explore how regular workouts can enhance our overall well-being.

Read more: How Regular Workouts Enhance Overall Well-being


Lower back pain can come about as a result of many different lifestyle factors such as poor posture, frequently bending forward (usually whilst looking at our phones or laptops), heavy lifting or degenerative conditions such as arthritis. In this latest blog, I’ll detail how and when an Osteopath can help you to combat lower back pain as well as offering some helpful tips to hopefully prevent you from needing to see one in the first place!

Read more: How Can an Osteopath Help You With Lower Back Pain?


If you want a traditional wellness escape, to feel renewed, replenished and rejuvenated then there is no better choice than an Ayurveda holiday that provides Shirodhara. Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic practice that hails from the ancient alternative medicine system that has its roots in the Indian subcontinent, it can be traced back at least 3000 years! The practice champions having a balanced mind, body, and soul, otherwise known as your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These three terms offer instruction on how to lead a healthy life, that benefits all aspects of your being. Ayurveda places an onus on disease prevention by promoting a healthy lifestyle that upholds wellness above all else. Many of our wellness holidays offer Ayurveda, but more specifically, Shirodhara.

Read more: What is Shirodhara?


The strain and pressure of daily life can very easily lead to stress. A good anti-stress programme can have tremendous benefits and allow you to focus on your wellbeing in a peaceful setting. However, a stress management retreat is much more than just a relaxing spa getaway. Though indulgent spa treatments are included, these are combined with various therapies, activities, and medical consultations to address the root of the problem and develop a sustainable approach to relieving stress and living a more happy and productive life. A de-stress holiday gives you the chance to recharge your batteries by offering activities including private yoga and Pranayama, alongside luxury treatments and meditation. With trips from the Caribbean to the Far East, you can immerse yourself in tranquil locations and concentrate on regaining balance and focus in your life.

Read more: What Can You Really Expect from a Stress Management Retreat?


It’s official, travel is back on the cards as of this summer (as long as government conditions are met) and wellness travel will rise to the fore as people seek to enhance their health and wellbeing following the events of the past year. Wellness travel has been gaining popularity over the past decade and post-COVID-19 it is likely to skyrocket. COVID-19 has well and truly derailed our lives and we’re all in need of some rest and recovery. There’s no better way to relax and destress than on a spa retreat, or perhaps you are looking for some outdoor adventure after being trapped indoors for most of the year. Whether you are dreaming of the sea, the sand, or the mountains there is a wellness holiday to suit everyone. Here’s why wellness travel will be so important post COVID-19:

Read more: Why Wellness Travel will be So Important Post COVID-19


There are so many spa therapies to be explored, originating from unique practices in countries across the world. Some treatments target specific areas of the body, while others offer full-body or psychological release. A combination of traditional, tailored, and pioneering treatments are now becoming available in spas across the continents, merging eastern and western practices for enhanced wellbeing. Keep reading to discover the top 10 complimentary spa therapies and which spa holidays and retreats you can experience them on!

Read more: Top 10 Complimentary Spa Therapies

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