  • The Rise of Snackable Wellness

    Yoga on a laptop screen


    Finding time for health and well-being can be challenging in our fast-paced modern lives. However, a captivating trend known as "snackable wellness" has emerged, showing how individuals cleverly incorporate small, manageable doses of healthy habits into their busy schedules.

  • The Top 5 Luxury Spa Breaks for Men in Europe

    Gorgeous swimming pool with large glass windows, looking over lush forests


    After a turbulent yearit’s safe to say we could all do with some much-needed relaxation - there is no better way to do that than unwinding and taking a moment to pause, reflect and renew. Whether you are looking to rejuvenate your body and mind, quietly relax into tranquillity or strike a balance between spa and sports, we have compiled a go-to list for luxury spa breaks for men in Europe. 

  • The World's Best Paradise Island Wellness Retreats

    From the gushing waterfalls of St Lucia to the crystal-clear waters in the Maldives, life’s too short not to explore the most sublime wonders of the world. Experience the ultimate in rest and relaxation with our beach spa holidays in the most stunning islands where you can escape the hassles of daily life. Surround yourself in lush foliage and pristine waters as you unwind with luxury spa treatments and holistic therapies. With our bespoke touch, you can also choose from a range of health and fitness activities, from group workouts, personalised fitness training, and water sports. Ideal for a couple’s wellness getaway, our paradise island wellness retreats are also excellent for solo travelers, groups, and families and can be tailor-made for anyone looking for some heaven-on-earth holiday experience.

  • Top 10 Active Family Beach Holidays

    Find the key to a drama free family holiday by keeping the kids active and entertained by the beach as they explore their sandy surroundings whilst trying new experiences. From learning to surf in Morocco to kayaking in Bali, say goodbye to boredom on our active family beach holidays where everyone can have fun in the sun. Make the most of sharing new experiences with the kids, or take some adult time out to relax and unwind as the little ones are entertained at the Kids Club, with everything from tennis to treasure hunts.

  • Top 10 Detox Retreats for 2016

    Revitalise your body with a healthy summer cleanse after an over-indulgent festive season, as we round up our top 10 detox retreats for 2016. From the foothills of India’s Himalayas to the rolling hills of Italy, swap the toxin-inducing stress levels, lethargy and poor diets of daily life for a healthy detox holiday. With expert guidance, healthy nutrition and cleansing spa treatments; enhance your well-being with benefits from weight loss to clearer skin and improved mental clarity.

  • Top 10 Healthy Christmas Getaways

    Wouldn't it be nice to avoid feeling as bloated as the Christmas turkey this year? Escape the Christmas chaos and jet-off to paradise for a relaxing and healthy holiday. We round-up our top 10 Christmas healthy getaways this year, so you can have a festive holiday to remember and return home feeling rejuvenated and alive.

  • Top 10 Healthy Holidays to Book for Christmas & New Year 2021/2022

    Couple of the beach smiling

    Christmas and New Years are a season onto themselves, filled with the best aspects of life that make you feel like maybe you are magic. While we’re terribly fond of our little island, let’s face it, December and January don’t exactly showcase Britain at its finest, so why not make the most of this magical season with a charming winter sun holiday escape?

  • Top 5 Eco-Friendly Holidays That Look After The Planet and You

    In celebration of Earth Day 2017, go green and glamorous with our top five luxury eco-friendly health retreats. From New Zealand to South Africa, spark your biophilic wanderlust with these eco-luxe health retreats that boast the most stunning yet sustainable accommodation and facilities, plus notable green-friendly awards to prove it. Combined with all-natural spa remedies and healthy organic cuisine from onsite gardens, be at one with Mother Nature and yourself.

  • Top 5 Gluten Free Holiday Destinations

    More than just a fad diet, eating gluten-free is in fact vital to individuals suffering from a condition called coeliac disease, or hypersensitivity to gluten. It is a lifelong disorder in which the small intestine reacts to the intake of gluten, leading to difficulty in digesting food. According to Coeliac Australia, this disease is affecting approximately 1 in 70 Australians with over 80% of this number remain undiagnosed. Fortunately, there’s a reasonably good number of resources available to acquire gluten-free food anywhere in the world, from restaurants, retail stores to specialised holiday spots, you name it. 

  • Top 5 Health Benefits of Tennis

    Come rain or shine Wimbledon and with Aussie wildcard Nick Kyrgios to inspire us there has never been a better time to get into tennis. But instead of simply watching the pros hard at work, why not pick up a racket and hit the court?  It’s easy, fun and offers a whole range of health benefits. So whether you are looking to perfect your serve on a dedicated tennis holiday or simply work up a sweat on your local courts, we’ve listed our top 5 reasons why tennis is so good for your health.

  • Top 5 Healthy Gut Holidays

    Top 5 Healthy Gut Holidays

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    "articleSection" : "Immune System Booster at Park Igls",
    "articleBody" : "One of the many benefits of a healthy gut is what great impact it has on your immune system. Your gut is a big deal. Did you know that it makes up around 70% of your immune system and contains 1.5kg to 2kg of bacteria, more than the weight of your brain? So, keeping this vital organ healthy is a top priority! </SPAN><SPAN data-ccp-props=\"{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:259}\"> </SPAN></P>\n<P><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\">The Immune System Booster programme at Park Igls is specially designed to target the immune system and help lower your susceptibility to illness. Extensive medical examinations and wellness therapies alongside a personal Modern Mayr diet plan makes this an ideal chance to try a </SPAN><A href=\"https://healthandfitnesstravel.com/fasting-retreats\"><SPAN data-contrast=\"none\">fasting retreat</SPAN></A><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\">. Introducing your body to new innovative ways to detoxify and revitalise your mental and physical well-being can open your eyes to new habits for obtaining and maintaining a healthy gut."
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    "articleSection" : "Enriched Gut at Kamalaya",
    "articleBody" : "Keeping your gut in tip top condition doesn’t just come from what you consume on a day-to-day basis. Yes, this plays a big role but conditioning your mind and body using the right techniques and practices can also have a great effect on gut health. Kamalaya is an award-winning resort located on the south coast of </SPAN><A href=\"https://healthandfitnesstravel.com/asia/thailand\"><SPAN data-contrast=\"none\">Thailand</SPAN></A><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\"> and is home to some of the best wellness treatments and medical services designed to transform your healthy lifestyle.</SPAN><SPAN data-ccp-props=\"{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:259}\"> </SPAN></P>\n<P><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\">Enjoy a valuable combination of medical consultations, spiritual practices and traditional Chinese medicine that will help transform your </SPAN><A href=\"https://healthandfitnesstravel.com/mindfulness-retreats\"><SPAN data-contrast=\"none\">mindful retreat</SPAN></A><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\"> into a new, progressive mindset, unlocking any tensions between your mind and your body. Abdominal organ therapy, pranayama breathing sessions and nutritional guidance are just some of the engaging ways you can help keep your gut a healthy one!",
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    "articleSection" : "Raw Food Detox at Sianji Well-Being Resort",
    "articleBody" : "What we eat day-to-day has a big impact on how we sleep, on our mood and our motivation. Some of us may be vegan, vegetarian or are unable to or chose to eat certain foods, which is great because being actively conscious about what you’re consuming is the first important step towards habitual change. Some people may even opt to </SPAN><A href=\"https://healthandfitnesstravel.com/blog/a-guide-to-starting-a-raw-food-diet\"><SPAN data-contrast=\"none\">start a raw food diet</SPAN></A><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\">, which can have many healthy benefits. Eating lots of fruit and veg helps control blood pressure and reduces the chance of health implications such as strokes, stomach cancer or kidney disease due to the reduction of sodium in your diet. </SPAN><SPAN data-ccp-props=\"{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:259}\"> </SPAN></P>\n<P><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\">Raw Food Detox at Sianji Well-Being Resort can be the perfect opportunity for you to experience a raw food diet and how this has an effect on your mind and body. You will learn all there is to know about gut health through consultations with a doctor, dietician and detox specialist. You’ll also learn how to prepare food in the Raw Food Workshop whilst you indulge in a fresh detox diet that will help show you all the great healthy benefits that it can bring!"
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    "name" : "Top 5 Healthy Gut Holidays",
    "datePublished" : "2022-04-07",
    "image" : "https://i.assetzen.net/image/6z0w6Z5OjeLk/JmeQlwg3fxibMXUWR1iQ34JIszrMuvSmkrCva5koGbE.eyJ3aWR0aCI6NjM1LCJoZWlnaHQiOjQyMywicXVhbGl0eSI6MTAwLCJpbWFnZUlkIjoiNnowdzZaNU9qZUxrIiwibWFpbnRhaW5fcmF0aW8iOnRydWUsImRvd25sb2FkIjp0cnVlfQ.jpg",
    "articleSection" : "Gut Health at Chiva-Som",
    "articleBody" : [ "Did you know that around 95% of serotonin, a major mood-influencing hormone, is produced in the small intestine? This makes up for almost all of your serotonin boosts throughout the day. So, making sure you fuel your body with the right diet and nutrition is very important so you can make sure you’re looking and feeling your absolute best!</SPAN><SPAN data-ccp-props=\"{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:259}\"> </SPAN></P>\n<P><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\">Chiva-Som&#39;s Gut Health programme incorporates a blend of wellness treatments, mindful practices and gut healing meals. This retreat targets full body detoxification bringing natural nutrients, fibre and probiotics into your digestive system. Even if it’s a yoga or </SPAN><A href=\"https://healthandfitnesstravel.com/pilates-holidays\"><SPAN data-contrast=\"none\">Pilates break</SPAN></A><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\"> you’re looking for, you can intertwine these wellness treatments and diet changes into your active itinerary, making this a great all-round healthy excursion. Take care of your body through </SPAN><A href=\"https://healthandfitnesstravel.com/advice/glossary#Pranayama\"><SPAN data-contrast=\"none\">Pranayama breathing</SPAN></A><SPAN data-contrast=\"auto\"> sessions, holistic massages and many more healthy exercises leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated once you return home!", "One thing we’ve learned is that wellness doesn’t just come from how you exert yourself physically, but what you choose to fuel your body with is crucial for every aspect of your health. This goes back to the classic saying; you are what you eat! Even making the smallest changes in your diet can present many health benefits, improved mood, increase of energy, lower susceptibility to illness and so many more. If you&#39;re interested in continuing your healthy gut journey or if you’re not sure how to get started, then look no further!" ]
    } ]


    When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and medical check-ups are just one part of the equation. Giving your body an appropriate diet and nutritional intake to go alongside these great active habits is key to aim for faster, higher vitality. A healthy gut can make a substantial difference to your immune system and many other vital health aspects, helping control digestion and balancing hormones for example. Keeping these aspects of your health in check is very important to provide your gut with healthy bacteria and immune cells which help ward off infectious agents like viruses and fungi. 

  • Top 5 Luxury Fitness Holidays for Active Couples

    If you are looking for a fitness holiday with your partner which will set you both on the pathway to a healthier lifestyle, look no further as we round up our top 5 luxury fitness holidays for active couples.

  • Top 5 Romantic Healthy Holidays for Your Valentine

    With Valentine's Day approaching, it's not too late to book a break away for a truly romantic holiday. We share our top five very tempting romantic trips for couples. These healthy holidays are designed to ensure you board the plane home not only relaxed but rejuvenated too, and include all sorts of vitality-boosting activities, menus and treatments for the ultimate health and fitness romantic experience.

  • Top Detox Retreats for Extending Your Dry January Efforts

    We all have very different relationships with alcohol, some won’t touch it, some have it on special occasions, some drink multiple days a week and some sadly have a detrimental relationship with it. Regardless of your specific attitude toward alcohol, you will surely be aware that in moderation alcohol is okay, but any form of regularity or excess can have serious health consequences, affecting your weight, skin, and as it is a depressant, your mental health too. 

  • Top Healthy Tips for Travelling with Kids

    From toddlers to teenagers, it can be a challenge to keep your children entertained and tantrum-free as you navigate airports and new surroundings on your first family holiday. Unhealthy aeroplane food, dehydration and long periods of sitting down can undermine your children’s health and leave the whole family tired and irritable. Pre-empt any problems, before you’ve even stepped on the plane, with our top tips for travelling with kids.

  • Top Long Weekend Wellness Retreats


    Discover some of the top longweekend wellness retreats, allowing you to escape to a paradise and find a place of peace and reinvigoration with a wellness retreat.  

    All of us need a break occasionally, as life moves quickly and there’s no let-up, at least not unless you make time for it. A long stint away from all the noise is what so many of us spend our days dreaming of, yet often we allow ourselves to get sucked up by the hustle and bustle of life and end up preoccupied with other things. The reality is, it doesn’t take months, nor even weeks to fully recharge our batteries. Just a day or so can-do wonders to our well-being. After escaping for a long weekend, you’ll feel refreshed and revitalised, ready to return home with a can-do attitude. 

  • Top Singles Holidays in Europe

    Top Singles Holidays in Europe


    With the opportunity to plan your healthy holiday exactly how you want, it is not surprising that solo travel is on the rise. Whether it is to focus on achieving your personal wellness goals or simply to enjoy activities that your usual holiday companions aren’t interested in, travelling solo on a singles holiday means you have no one to think of but yourself. Take some precious ‘me time’ to relax with spa treatments or join in with group fitness classes, as fellow solo travellers help you to push yourself that much harder before you share your sweat stories. You don’t even need to travel far, with healthy singles holidays in Europe offering no shortage of stunning beaches, mountain views and scenic rolling landscapes for a short-haul solo holiday.

  • Top Wellness Retreats for Healthy Foodies

    Take your passion for healthy eating a step further and indulge in one of our top nutrition holidays for healthy foodies. Learn more about how to better your insides with nutritional talks and consultations as you enjoy breath-taking surroundings and world-class treatments that will leave you with a spring in your step. Make the most of fresh detox smoothies, Asian cuisine, healthy twists on classic junk food staples and much more. There are also plenty of opportunities to work on your outsides too with complementary access to group classes such as yoga, Pilates, meditation and general fitness. These retreats truly are a healthy foodies’ heaven!

  • Weave travel you'll love into your New Year’s Resolutions

    How to weave travel you'll love into your New Year’s Resolutions

    I used to hate the thought of making New Year’s Resolutions.

    I was completely disconnected from my own life and I found myself stuck when needing to come up with reasonable and acceptable things that I wanted to be doing.

  • Wellness Holidays for Incompatibility Syndrome

    Choosing to go away as a couple can highlight more than ever a clash of interests between partners. Whilst women generally enjoy relaxing on the beach, yoga and Pilates, followed by pampering in the spa, men prefer to embrace and enjoy the sport and fitness facilities available, be it the 18 hole golf course, the PADI scuba centre or the chance to learn a new fitness skill in Kickboxing. A wellness holiday could be the perfect solution to this dilemma, offering a dose of something to keep everybody happy. With the real promise of saving your relationship, partners can both enjoy time away doing what they want as opposed to sacrificing their own preferences.

Get £50 off your first holiday