Top Healthy Tips for Travelling with Kids

From toddlers to teenagers, it can be a challenge to keep your children entertained and tantrum-free as you navigate airports and new surroundings on your first family holiday. Unhealthy aeroplane food, dehydration and long periods of sitting down can undermine your children’s health and leave the whole family tired and irritable. Pre-empt any problems, before you’ve even stepped on the plane, with our top tips for travelling with kids.
From toddlers to teenagers, it can be a challenge to keep your children entertained and tantrum-free as you navigate airports and new surroundings on your first family holiday. Unhealthy aeroplane food, dehydration and long periods of sitting down can undermine your children’s health and leave the whole family tired and irritable. Pre-empt any problems, before you’ve even stepped on the plane, with our top tips for travelling with kids.
Precious family time can be difficult to find, so when you do get the chance to spend time together on an active, adventure filled family holiday you want to enjoy every moment. However, travelling with children can be a daunting prospect. The effects of flying, over-tiredness and conflicts can quickly make your family holiday nearly impossible to enjoy. From keeping active in the airport to appreciating the culture of your luxury destination, here, we share a list of handy tips to keep your family healthy and harmonious on your travels together.
1. Plan your itinerary together
There is such a range of options available on a family activity holiday that planning is essential. Your children will probably have different interests and preferences, so give them a list of activities from which they can each choose a favourite. Parents can schedule in some time to relax in the spa, while the kids enjoy their private tennis or surfing lesson. This will ensure everyone, even your hard to please teenager, will have something to look forward to.
2. Carry a medicine box
It is impossible to predict how your child’s immune system will react to a new environment, so be prepared and pack a small box full of treatments for any cuts or bruises sustained on their adventures. As long as everything is under 100ml, it’s worth putting this kit in your hand luggage. Don’t assume that you can buy anything at your destination including high factor sun cream; it’s a basic essential for any destination.
Keep smiles on the kids' faces
3. Be wary of dehydration
Always carry a bottle with you on your healthy activities and excursions. Children often forget to drink until they’re thirsty, signalling that they’re already dehydrated, so monitor their water intake to keep them hydrated and having fun.
4. Keep active in the airport
Flying is much easier when children can just sleep through the journey, so tire them out before they get on the plane to maximise the chance of a peaceful flight. As you make your way through the airport terminal, choose stairs over escalators and make a game out of racing the moving walkway. You could even pack a skipping rope to really exhaust them, and it’s great for keeping up your own fitness during the holiday.
5. Plan for the plane
Whatever the length of the flight, keeping your children healthy and happy in a confined space can be a challenge, so make sure to plan ahead. Bring nutritious, slow-release energy snacks as an alternative to unhealthy airline food, and make sure the kids are drinking plenty of water. Our guide to healthy flying will help you all to arrive in your luxury destination refreshed, and includes some basic yoga poses you could do together as a fun family activity.
6. Prepare for over-tired tantrums
The combination of over-excitement, travelling and an unfamiliar environment can lead to a very tired and irritable toddler. Avoid any full blown tantrums by familiarising your child with the destination for your healthy family holiday. Show them photos of your family friendly resort before you go and try to keep to their normal bedtime routine as much as possible when you’re away.
7. Keep a travel journal
Getting your kids to keep a travel journal is a great way to encourage them to reflect on what they’ve learnt and enjoyed. With so many things to do on our learning holidays for families, they’ll be able to fill their pages with experiences to reread and remember. Get them to write down their favourite healthy meals on holiday for you to recreate at home – they might surprise you with their newly discovered taste for nutritious food.
Let your children discover new friends with a kids club
8. Look for local trinkets
Visit local markets together and let the rich culture of your luxury family destination really make an impression on your kids. Encourage your children to discover new delights around the world on an adventure & culture family holiday and cement their experience by bringing home something more tangible than memories. Playing with the same toys as local children can help your youngster make some international friends, and purchases of handmade goods can be a real boost for the local economy.
9. Allow time for exploring on hikes and bike rides
Although you may be more focussed on burning calories during a bike ride on a family sports holiday, be aware that children will be much more curious of their new surroundings. When planning the day, leave more time than you think you need for your little ones to point out new sights and discoveries on hikes and other healthy excursions. If it’s safe to do so, go exploring off the beaten track to inspire an enquiring mind-set.
10. Take advantage of kids clubs and activities
Many of our luxury family friendly resorts have kids clubs that offer schedules jam-packed with fun and active adventures, letting adults and children enjoy some time to indulge separate passions. Work up a sweat in group exercise classes while qualified professionals entertain your little ones with sports and activities while on a family fitness holiday. At the end of each day, you’ll have plenty to talk about around the dinner table as you share adventures with one another.
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on 0203 397 8891 or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your dream healthy family holiday.