

Booking a holiday can be a daunting experience, with an endless list of crucial factors to consider and the price sprinting past the budget. There's a common misconception that wellness retreats are the reserve of the very wealthy, but in reality, there is a tailored retreat to suit all budgets from shoestring to ultra luxe. The cost of wellness retreats can vary dependent on a number of factors.  

At Health and Fitness Travel we believe everyone should be able to embark on a wellness retreat, no matter their budget and can tailor a holiday that perfectly suits you and your requirements! Keep reading to see our recommendations for catering a wellness holiday that suits your health and wellness goals as well as your bank account: 

Read more: How Much Do Wellness Retreats Cost?


We could all benefit from a Pilates holiday, why you ask? Because it’s a complex and thorough workout that can be done all by yourself. No two Pilates holidays are the same. They all aim to provide something different to serve the unique needs of their guests, some provide an environment for strength and endurance building, others choose to focus on all the mindful and emotional healing properties that the practise offers, and some retreats like to use Pilates in conjunction with other exercises as a tool for weight loss. One thing they all have in common is the shared insight that they provide, insight and knowledge of Pilates that you can take with after your stay and apply in your day-to-day life.

Whatever your focus might be, there is a certainly a singles Pilates holiday out there that’s just made for you!

Read more: Top Pilates Holidays for Singles


Pilates is a practice that is only growing in popularity as more people discover the impactful effects it has not only on the body but also on the mind. Pilates has come a long way since it was first created by Joseph Pilates, amounting a storm online in recent years; likened for its ability to strengthen, elongate and bring an awareness of the body. Perhaps it's popularity can be pinpointed to its versatility and ability to cater to anybody, whether you are a complete bamboozled newcomer, or a manic athlete, a toddler squirming in nappies or a grandma wanting some variety from jazz class. 2023 is a brilliant time to immerse yourself in the world of Pilates with a tailored Pilates retreat . With that in mind, here are the best places to go on a Pilates retreat in 2023: 

Read more: Where to Go on a Pilates Retreat in 2023


2023 brings an abundance of opportunities to invest in yourself. Women’s retreats offer the chance for you to finally have a moment that is undisturbed, without children demanding your attention, or the stresses of the day-to-day. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s time to prioritise you! Away from the distractions of everyday life, these luxury holidays supply the time and individual attention to concentrate on self-care. Whether the new year brings ambition for weight loss, pursuing fitness goals or just the desire for implementing healthier habits, these are the 6 women's wellness retreats to indulge in 2023.  

Read more: The Top Women's Retreats to Go on in 2023


The best holidays are those that give you the opportunity to explore new and exciting environments and experience new activities that you otherwise may never have had the opportunity to enjoy. Europe is home to some of the best luxury water sports holidays and resorts in the world, from the heart of the Mediterranean to the south coast of England Europe has no shortage of beautiful natural coastline just waiting to be explored by adventure hungry travellers who aren’t afraid to get their hair wet.

Let us walk you through some of the best water sports themed holidays in Europe.

Read more: The Best Water Sports Holidays in Europe


In the wonderful world of luxury travel and tourism you come across some interesting holidays that combine seemingly disparate niches to form holidays of questionable appeal. However, the overlap between golfing and spa holidays certainly doesn’t fit into this category, combining all the benefits of a golfing retreat and a spa retreat allows a respite for you to indulge yourself and relax in between long sessions honing your skills on the course making you a more formidable golfing opponent ready to give your golfing buddies a run for their money.

If this sounds appealing to you, you’re in luck because there are some many luxury resorts in the world that fit the description perfectly, let us walk you through a few of our top spa and sports retreats picks for golfers. 

Read more: The Top Golf and Spa Resorts in the World


With the end of summer fast approaching, many travellers are looking ahead to booking autumn wellness retreats to boost their fitness, detox or simply relax. From yoga and spa holidays in Portugal to detox retreats in Thailand, these retreats offer something for every type of wellness traveller with some even including great money-saving offers for the Autumn months including up to 30% off room rates. With the summer holidays out of the way, there isn’t a better time to invest in your whole-body wellbeing than the Autumn on one of these luxurious wellness retreats:


Read more: Where to go on a Wellness Holiday in Autumn 2023


Yoga has had the attention of people in the western world for generations, now more than ever people are embracing the benefits of yoga and are eager to integrate it into their lives. However, many people who otherwise would love to take up yoga view it as lofty discipline that is difficult to learn and access comfortably. A luxury yoga retreat can provide a fantastic introduction to the practise of yoga in a space that prioritises safety and comfort. Spain is just one of many European countries that offers a diverse range of luxury yoga retreats that are accessible and prioritise the comfort of all its participants.  

Let us take you on a tour of some of the best yoga retreats that are available to you in Spain.


Read more: Where to Go on a Spanish Yoga Retreat


If you’re looking to lose weight on a fitness bootcamp holiday, Europe offers a range of options for you. A fitness bootcamp is centred around a high intense workout and fitness regime. At their best they take you to locations of stunning natural beauty and place you in the company of expert fitness, health, and wellness professionals ready to guide you on your fitness journey regardless of your starting point. Be you a seasoned fitness enthusiast looking for a change of pace from your usual workout regime or a first timer raring to take those initial steps towards a happier and healthier life. 

Let us walk you through some of the best fitness bootcamps on offer in Europe below:


Read more: The Best Fitness Bootcamps in Europe


Your wedding day is unanimously accepted to be among the most important days of your life. This expectation can place an enormous amount of pressure on you to make the day perfect and enjoy it to its fullest. Unfortunately, this detracts from the fundamental essence of the day, that being a celebration of you and your partners love and a chance for both of you to be weighted on hand and foot. A ’me-moon’ essentially functions as a luxury getaway that you take in preparation for your wedding in the same vein as your honeymoon after your wedding.

Let us walk you through the benefits of a ‘me-moon’ holiday and why it might just be right for you!

Read more: Why Going on a Me-Moon is a Great Idea


In recent years solo traveling has been growing in popularity, and for good reason, solo travel gives the individual an unobstructed freedom to choose the best holiday for them individually and maximise their personal experience. Anyone who has had input in planning a holiday with friends will be able to tell you that satisfying everyone’s unique needs and interests is an uphill battle, the outcome of which is compromise. But sometimes compromise isn’t good enough and we need to focus on our own needs. Going on holiday by yourself allows you to do you – with no compromise!

Visiting a country by yourself can be the best way to experience it, let us walk you through some of the most popular destinations for single person travellers to help you kick start your solo travel journey.

Read more: Where Do Singles Go on Holiday?

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