
Your holiday is the perfect time to relax and enjoy yourself, as you escape the day to day grind. Whether you’re dreaming of lying on a beach, sightseeing in the city or practicing yoga by the pool, your trip should be fun and most importantly, stress free.

Preparing for a trip away can be hectic and time-consuming, so to make it easier, we have provided a few useful tips to keep you stylish and stress-free during the Autumn/Winter holiday season:

Read more: How to Style your Holiday

Detox your brain as well as your body and escape to a luxury hideaway for a much-needed tech break. It is no secret that technology is having a negative impact on human interaction, not only affecting our relationships with others, but also, our relationships with ourselves as mental health studies continue to reveal worrying statistics. This negative psychological and social impact has meant there’s never been a better time to take some time out from digital world and learn the benefits of a digital detox retreat on your mind and body. So, swap the screen time for some me-time with these 5 luxury holidays that will allow you to disconnect and reconnect.

Read more: 5 Luxury Hideaways to Disconnect and Reconnect

Grab life by the horns and satiate your inner nomad as we help you to secure more time off work next year, so you can double your leave in 2019. Inspiring worker bees and wellness travellers around the world, these wellness holiday ideas are perfect for an extended healthy holiday. From fitness in the dramatic Swiss Alps and weight-loss amid the volcanic mountains and iconic rice paddies of Bali to active mindfulness in Spain, these destinations emanate the best of what wellness travel has to offer. With a little strategic planning around the 2019 bank holidays (and maybe an understanding boss), ditch the desk for longer and let your fit flag fly at one or more of these exciting destinations.

Read more: Healthy Holiday Hack: How to Double your Annual Leave in 2019

Travel Specialist Samantha recently spent three nights at eco-luxe Soneva Kiri in Koh Kood, Thailand and this is her snapshot review…

Soneva Kiri is a luxe barefoot tropical island destination, catering best to families and groups of friends traveling together. A short 90-minute private 8-seater plane ride from Bangkok. The journey is smooth with an exciting landing on a short 850m strip on an adjacent island from which you will take a 5 minute speed boat ride to the jetty.

Read more: Samantha’s Review of Soneva Kiri, Thailand

Embarking on a singles holiday offers the perfect chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life whilst meeting like-minded individuals. From Thailand and India to Croatia and Cyprus, there are a host of idyllic locations for you to spend your solo travels. Meet fellow travellers as you take part in a range fun-filled activities including hiking, water-sports and climbing to get those fitness levels soaring. Unwind at the end of the day with one of many luxurious spa treatments, from Ayurvedic therapy in Thailand to salt scrubs in Croatia. So, get ready for an adventure you’ll never forget as we share our top seven life-changing singles holidays.

Read more: 7 Life-changing Singles Holidays


Reset and relax at one of these calming retreats for the ultimate de-stress holiday experience. Unwind and reboot in a luxurious spa where you can enjoy treatments ranging from hot stone massages and facial scrubs to detoxifying wraps and steam baths. These beautiful destinations offer the perfect setting for you to take some time out to focus on your connection with your inner self with activities like Pilates, yoga and meditation. With all these relaxing and rejuvenating activities at your disposal, you can rest assured that a moment of Zen will never be far away.

Read more: 6 Calming Retreats to Reset and Relax

Lorna Jane Clarkson, the founder of women’s premium activewear brand Lorna Jane is no stranger to travelling. Based in Brisbane, Australia means travelling all over the world and frequent trips to her LA home and USA Support Office in Santa Monica. Lorna has tried and tested tips and routines that keep her fit, healthy and ready for anything when she’s constantly on the move and has given us her top tips for a fit and healthy holiday. 

Read more: Lorna Jane’s Packing Tips for An Active Holiday

Take your practice one step further with our top yoga holidays to add to your travel bucket list. These yogi escapes offer the perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork for a healthier and happier lifestyle. In combination with each of these stunning retreats is a range of luxury spa treatments to relax your muscles after a busy day of lotus positions and Kapotasana. Whether it be a body scrub in St Lucia or a Thai massage in Oman, we’ve got the run-down of the 8 best yoga retreats to check-off your list.

Read more: 8 Yoga Holidays for the Travel Bucket List


If you’re wondering where to go on your next fitness holiday, look no further because we’ve got the run-down on the best swimming pools in the world for sports training. When it comes to keeping fit and healthy, swimming is undoubtedly one the best, most accessible and easy exercises out there. Not only does it tone muscles and build strength, but it also keeps your heart rate up without having a heavy impact on your body making it perfect for all ages, young and old! This full-body workout also offers a great way to de-stress and relax whilst still burning those calories. In fact, a gentle swim alone can burn over 200 calories in just half an hour and a speedier swimmer going for an hour can expect to burn nearly 600 calories. So, keep on reading to discover the best swimming pools in the world that are sure to challenge your fitness and get you in tip-top shape.

Read more: Best Swimming Pools in the World for Sports Training

Tell us about the resort – what makes Santani special?

Santani is a relatively new architect-designed property built on 120 acres of former tea plantation and owned and run by Sri Lankans in central Sri Lanka, about five hours by car from Colombo (you can also take a seaplane to Kandy, which would be a great way to arrive). The last part of the drive, from Kandy, is on a climbing, winding mountain road. You can’t even see the resort until you’re there, that’s how tucked away it is.

Read more: Louise's Review of Santani Wellness Resort & Spa, Sri Lanka


Eating the right food is something that you have to do if you plan to lose weight, and you need to get your metabolism to rise as much as you can. You might find that you could get your metabolism to rise faster when you are eating the right foods, and you must focus on these foods because they change your perspective on a good diet. You can reduce fat and sugar all you want, but you need to have a much higher metabolism. There is a point at which your body will start to burn fat naturally because you have kept your metabolism so high, and you should plan to get these foods into all your meals. Using the right foods to change your metabolism helps you avoid going on fad diets that might not work.

Read more: 11 Foods You Should Eat To Raise Your Metabolism

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