  • Interview with an Ayurveda Health Practitioner


  • Interview with Jessica Sepel

    Jessica SepelJessica Sepel

    Jessica Sepel is a clinical nutritionist, author and international health and travel expert. She is also the beloved voice behind 'JSHealth', passionately advocating how to achieve a balanced lifestyle through wholefoods and a healthy relationship with food to her vibrant social media community on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. Jess is also a regular contributor to Vogue Australia's Spy Style, Well+Good NYC, PopSugar and MindBodyGreen and brand ambassador for CottonOn and Nature's Way Wholefoods and Vitamins. Jess's book The Healthy Life is based on her popular and previously self-published ebook The Clean Life.


  • Is silence the next wellness luxury?

    Is silence the next wellness luxury?

    Aircrafts above us, cars next to us and building sites surrounding us; the modern urbanized world is overflowing with noise pollution that is destructive to our health and well-being. It is therefore no surprise that people long for silence and tranquillity to bring clarity to their lives. The thought of spending time in complete silence, as you sometimes would on a meditation retreat, can seem intimidating and daunting at first; but if you familiarize yourself with the topic, you will discover how useful and important this is for modern society.

  • Keep Motivated with Your Fitness Program

    Each person knows as well as the next that committing to a fitness program and sticking with it is a tough challenge. Going to the gym, signing up for fitness classes, hiring a personal trainer or starting yoga or Pilates is the easy part. The hard part is staying motivated to stick with it! Of course, there's no one solution to this problem and it varies from person to person but with the following tips, hopefully you can continue to be motivated for many more months and be inspired to reach your health and fitness goals.

  • Keep Motivated with Your Fitness Programme

    Each person knows as well as the next that committing to a fitness programme and sticking with it is a tough challenge. Going to the gym, signing up for fitness classes, hiring a personal trainer or starting yoga or Pilates is the easy part. The hard part is staying motivated to stick with it! Of course, there's no one solution to this problem and it varies from person to person but with the following tips, hopefully you can continue to be motivated for many more months and be inspired to reach your health and fitness goals.

  • Live Healthy and Live Longer

    Live Healthy and Live Longer


    The key to life-long well-being is a healthy lifestyle; so adopt healthy habits and live longer.  Here are some top tips:

  • Lunch Break Fitness

    Of the most common excuses men and women use for not exercising 'lack of time' is possibly the worst. You can try justifying your excuse with a hectic job or demanding family life, but in reality there is always time for exercise; you just have to be willing to find it.

  • Make your lunch break your fitness escape

    Of the most common excuses men and women use for not exercising 'lack of time' is possibly the worst. You can try justifying your excuse with a hectic job or demanding family life, but in reality there is always time for exercise; you just have to be willing to find it.

  • Mario Sella on Living a 'Healtheatarian' Lifestyle at Ti Sana

    Mario SellaMario Sella

    Mario Sella, Wellness Manager at Ti Sana, Italy, grew up with a passion for science and physical activity that has led him to his role today. His childhood interest developed into an academic qualification, gaining a degree in food science and technology. A qualified personal trainer, Mario also studied and now teaches ancient oriental disciplines such as Qi Cong and Wushu-Kung Fu. Using his knowledge of nutrition and fitness, Mario oversees diagnostic tests, physical activity and, of course, nutritional plans to help guests at Ti Sana achieve their health and wellness goals.


  • National Stress Awareness Month: Our Stress Management Holidays

    With National Stress Awareness Month held every April since 1992, during this annual thirty day period, health care professionals and experts join forces to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures of the modern day stress epidemic. Encouraging people to embrace a healthier lifestyle through stress management wellness holidays, our specialist retreats offer a focused solution and an escape from the daily grind. With an all-encompassing approach covering diet, exercise and lifestyle management, our stress management wellness retreats are designed to manage stress long-term through specific lifestyle changes.

  • Nutrition Tips for Healthy Eating

    Nutrition Tips for Healthy Eating

    Healthy eating combined with regular exercise is the best way to look and feel healthy inside and out. There are a lot of different healthy eating  diets available to try on a nutrition friendly retreat including juice detoxing, alkaline, raw, macrobiotic or an Ayurvedic diet, but despite their differences the same principle rules for eating healthily usually apply. There is no need to cut out your favourite foods to help you lose those pesky pounds, simply follow our advice below and know that cutting out some foods altogether can actually be bad for you.

  • Recent news; Health effects of holidays fade in two weeks: But do they?

    According to new research released today in the latest edition of The Psychologist, the positive effects of a holiday fade in just two weeks; however The Psychologist believes we should be taking more time off from work to keep us healthy and happy, but is this realistic?

  • Staying Safe in the Sun - Healthy Skin

    Dr. Stefanie Williams - Clinical DermatologistDr. Stefanie Williams

    Dr Stefanie Williams is a key opinion leader in dermatology and Medical Director of European Dermatology London, a private dermatology clinic in Harley Street and Chelsea Bridge. Her commitment to research and her passion for healthy skin led to the development of her own skincare boutique product range to help consumers find products which work and are proven to make a difference. With an expert aesthetic eye, Stefanie is very experienced in non-surgical treatments, fillers, botox, dermaroller, and skin revitalisation treatments. She has a special interest in the management of adult acne and skin pigmentation and has developed special medical facials tailored to soothe and heal. Dr Williams is a member of the British Association of Dermatologists, the British Cosmetic Dermatology Group, the European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology.


  • Stoptober: Stop Smoking Retreats to Help You Quit

    With smoking rates continuing to fall each year, and over 250,000 smokers having taken part in last year’s Stoptober, we have seen a rising trend in specialist stop smoking retreats designed to help you quit long-term. Smoking is still the biggest cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK, but quitting on home turf, whilst surrounded by all of your old haunts and habits can be tough.  Why not take your first steps towards breaking the bad habit on one of our specialist spa breaks, if the thought of quitting smoking by going cold turkey has you reaching for your lighter.

  • Summer Health Tips

    The excitement is killing me; it's nearly here, Aslan is but a couple of weeks away…

    On June 21st we not only celebrate the longest day in the year but, in doing so, WE WELCOME THE SUMMER.

  • Sun Awareness Week: Staying Safe in the Sun

    It's Sun Awareness Week now until May 6th, which means it's time to remind oneself the importance of protecting your skin from dangerous things such as skin cancer. With the ozone layer eating holes into our protective atmosphere, the risk of overexposure to UV rays and health issues are on the rise. 

  • Surviving the Snack Attack

    Surviving the Snack Attack

    When it comes to snacking, most people enthuse over crisps, biscuits and sweets and end up over indulging in a mini-meal. Snacks are supposed to help you stay full between meals and come in many under appreciated forms that can be good for your health, energy boosting and filling. The best news is that they can actually help you stay slimmer, if you snack on the right thing. People tend to make their worst diet decisions when they're famished. So, in order to survive the so-called 'snack attack', having nutritious snacks between each meal will increase your metabolism and help you burn calories.

  • Take Control of Your Sleep

    Dr Michael J. BreusDr. Michael Breus - Sleep Doctor

    Dr Michael J. Breus is a sleep expert and author of The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan. He is a clinical psychologist and one of the youngest to pass the board at the age of 31. As one of the only psychologists with his credentials out of 163 psychologists worldwide, Dr. Breus specialises in sleep disorders and is the diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and of The Fellow of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. He is also author of Lose Weight Through Better Sleep and the creator of The Dr. Breus Bed. Dr. Breus treats athletes and celebrities and has appeared on CNN, Oprah, The View, and The Doctor's.


  • The (Not So) Sweet Truth

    The world's obesity problem shows no signs of slowing and recent research claims that it is not our caloric intake or exercise regime that has changed over the last 50 years; it is the sheer amount of sugar in our food. Rebecca Dorta, Nutritionist at Grayshott Spa, tells us why sugar is a major culprit in the case against obesity and many, if not all, health concerns. 

  • The Best Alcohol-Free Wellness Retreats

    The Best Alcohol-Free Wellness Retreats


    The exact definition of wellness can be different for each individual, with their distinctive goals and perceptions on life. However, to generalise, there are three key concepts involved. The physical wellness of the body, the emotional wellness of the mind, and the spiritual wellness of the soul. No matter what your wellness goal is, there is something for everyone in our following selection of wellness holiday favourites that are absolutely alcohol-free.

Get £50 off your first holiday