  • Healthy Holidays for February

    February is the time of year when we begin to settle back into our daily routine after all the excitement and stress that comes with the festive season. But if your New Year has started with a whimper rather than a bang then a healthy holiday could well be the answer to your needs. So why not revive those failing New Year’s resolutions and escape the cold on one of our exclusive wellness holidays designed specifically to leave you de-stressed and revitalised?

  • Healthy Holidays over the New Year

    Start your New Year the right way by jetting off to an exotic destination on one of our healthy holidays. From a yoga, spa and surfing holiday in Morocco, to an activity and fitness holiday in the Caribbean; you’ll be able to keep active and boost your fitness levels on one of our tailor-made healthy holidays over the New Year, while your body reaps the rewards. Alternatively, if you’re simply looking to improve your health, why not try a weight loss holiday in India or a detox holiday in Oman to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul? All of our healthy holidays feature luxury spas complete with a range of therapeutic treatments and expert wellness therapists to ensure you’re able to relax and unwind on your New Year wellness getaway.

  • Hit Your Fitness Targets

    James Golden - Target FitnessJames Golden 

    James Golden is the founder and Managing Director of Target Fitness Retreats. He has over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, since graduating with a Sports and Exercise Science degree in 2001. James has worked as a lifestyle and fitness consultant for the government, presented different forms of group fitness across the UK and spent time in fitness management, before setting up a personal training boutique club in Amersham, Bucks called the Target Training Club in 2010. The Target Training Club is the sister company of Target Fitness Retreats and under the vision of James, the companies are continuously evolving and achieving credibility for their quality and service. James has recently been featured in Men’s Health, Your Fitness and Brides Magazine.


  • Hobby Holidays for Incompatibility Syndrome

    Choosing to go away as a couple can highlight more than ever a clash of interests between partners. Whilst women generally enjoy relaxing on the beach, yoga and Pilates, followed by pampering in the spa, men prefer to embrace and enjoy the sport and fitness facilities available, be it the 18 hole golf course, the PADI scuba centre or the chance to learn a new fitness skill in Kickboxing. A hobby holiday could be the perfect solution to this dilemma, offering a dose of something to keep everybody happy. With the real promise of saving your relationship, partners can both enjoy time away doing what they want as opposed to sacrificing their own preferences.

  • Holiday Like a Celebrity

    Would you like to holiday like a celebrity? They are often seen relaxing in magnificent holiday destinations when they want to escape the pressures of their paparazzi fuelled life. We, too, require a quick getaway from our daily working life so that we can be transported into our own personal paradise. But in today's world, you can go on these breaks without a large bank account and enjoy your next health and fitness holiday.

  • Holiday Like an Olympian and Escape London

    With the 2012 London Olympics just a few months away, one third of the British population are planning to escape the Olympic frenzy and go on holiday, according to ABTA. Health and Fitness Travel, experts in tailor-made active and wellness holidays worldwide has found that the Olympics is inspiring more Brits to be healthier and fitter, so much so that the Olympic spirit is encouraging us to holiday like Olympians.

  • Holiday like an Olympian; One Year till 2012 Olympics

    One year today and only 366 days to go until the London Olympics 2012! Be inspired by the Olympic Games, a legacy that compels a majestic dive into a journey to transform into a quicker and healthier contender for any challenge. Escaping on a fitness holiday has never been so important for upcoming sporting champions, where fitness packages are tailored for enjoyment as well as supportive training. If you desire activities such as football, kayaking, cycling or even acrobatics, then choose one of the many energetic breaks to get you passionate about shaping up, just in time to be part of British competition history.

  • Hot New Fitness Holiday Crazes

    If you’re bored of your exercise regime why not try something a bit unusual with one of our alternative fitness holidays. These healthy breaks offer something new to spice up your current workout routine and help keep you interested as your muscles get a brand new style of workout.

  • How a Wellness Holiday Could Help to Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease

    How a Wellness Holiday Could Help to Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease

    Experience a life-changing wellness holiday that could help to enhance heart health by inspiring long-lasting lifestyle changes. Enjoy personalised healthy cooking classes alongside personalised exercise and diet programmes that can be easily adopted in your everyday life after you return home. Discover the most suitable methods to boost your fitness on holiday and become motivated to enhance your well-being in a luxury destination. Learn to address bad habits so that you can identify the root of your health concerns. This will benefit sufferers of chronic illnesses like heart disease and could also act as a preventative measure towards other health problems.

  • How Does a Healthy Body Help to Achieve a Healthy Mind?

    how a healthy body can help you to achieve a healthy mind



    What does “being healthy” actually mean? With so many mixed messages alongside ever-changing diet and fitness fads, it can be hard to know where to start. Having worked with clients of various ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities over the past few years, I'm a firm believer in finding what works for you and staying consistent; we are all different, but one mantra that rings true for us all is that what we do with and put into our bodies can have a powerful impact on our mental well-being. With that in mind let us explore how a healthy body can help you to achieve a healthy mind:

  • How Regular Workouts Enhance Overall Well-being

    How Regular Workouts Enhance Overall Well-being


    Defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy”, the term “well-being” is often bandied about - particularly in recent times when mental health is so topical. Life remains far from normal and many of us are plagued by Zoom and desk fatigue. We've been eating, sleeping and working under the same roof with no real reason to leave our homes, and our “me time” often ends up being consumed by work - a recipe for physical and mental burnout. With this in mind, let’s explore how regular workouts can enhance our overall well-being.

  • How to Be Healthier In 4 Achievable Ways

    Regimes and commandments which must never be broken are all well and good in theory, but perhaps less achievable for many. Here, HelloFresh shares four simple ways to be healthier that are pretty achievable. Take them as you wish, find a place for them in your lifestyle, and not only will you feel healthier, but we reckon these steps for achieving wellness will have you feeling happier as well. 

  • How to Beat Stress

    Daniela HerzbergDaniela Herzberg

    Daniela Herzberg is a Life Coach, Nutritionist and certified Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology consultant from Abama Golf & Spa Resort in Tenerife, and is responsible for the award-winning Abama Total Wellness programme. Together with her partner she founded 5-elementos.com, a widely known internet portal for healthy living. Her comprehensive knowledge about the Chinese philosophies is a result of her work with Derek Walters, one of the most respected Feng Shui masters in the world and several other internationally renowned teachers.


  • How to Boost Your Testosterone with a Fitness Holiday

    Boost Your Testosterone with a Fitness Holiday

    It is important to know what testosterone is, how it benefits us and the best ways to safely and naturally boost your testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone found in humans and animals, but is primarily produced in men. Dipping levels of testosterone can negatively affect your mood, weight, muscle mass, libido and overall sense of well-being. With our 8 effective methods to help boost testosterone levels, get a helping hand on a wellness holiday which will simultaneously improve your health and fitness levels as you adopt a healthier lifestyle.

  • How to Choose the Right Detox Holiday For You

    Are you in need of a cleansing detox, but aren’t sure which approach is the best fit for you? Even for those of us who lead a healthy lifestyle and consume a nutritional diet, a build-up of toxins in your system can lead to low energy levels, increased stress or illnesses. So not only will the right detox holiday leave you feeling youthful and revived, it could also prevent poor health. Whether you’d prefer a gentler approach to detoxing, such as a yogic detox or raw food detox, or you’d prefer more of a challenge with an active detox to sweat out toxins, everyone can benefit from a detox holiday.

  • How to Choose the Right Fitness Holiday For You

    How to Choose the Right Fitness Holiday For You

    So, you finally decided to go on a fitness holiday but are now left with the dilemma of choosing the right one for you. From group optimal fitness to personal training sessions, with so many different types of fitness holidays to choose from, here we share what to expect and where to go. Whether you are interested in an intense triathlon challenge or a fitness adventure, choose the right fitness holiday for you and get motivated with the help of fitness experts in destinations around the world.

  • How to Double Your Wellness Holiday Leave in 2018 Infographic

    Grab your diary as we share some holiday ideas to inspire you! Take a look at our useful infographic and secure more time off work next year and double your leave thanks to our bank holidays in 2018. Get in touch with one of our travel specialists to tailor-make your perfect wellness holiday today.  

  • How to fit significant exercise into your busy week, with Dr Niels Vollaard.

    How to fit exercise into your busy week

    Dr Niels Vollaard

    Dr Vollaard completed an MSc in Human Movement Sciences at the University of Maastricht, followed by another MSc at the University of Aberdeen (in Sports Nutrition). He then returned to Maastricht for a one-year spell as a research assistant, looking at the validity of bioimpedance for assessing body composition.

    Dr Vollaard subsequently completed a PhD in Exercise Physiology at the University of Essex, investigating the effects of oxidative stress in exercise, endurance training, and tapering. His first lecturing position was at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (2003-2011), after which spending 5 years at the University of Bath, before joining the University of Stirling as a Lecturer in Health and Exercise Science in October 2016.

  • How to Fuel Your Fitness Regime

    How to fuel your fitness regime

    Fuelling a successful, long-term fitness regime calls for optimal mental and physical stamina. Your body is your vehicle so replenishing your tank regularly is crucial for keeping your blood sugar levels stable and gearing up your mind and body for an effective workout. The right fuel will also aid your recovery before your next training session. Here are my top tips to help you learn how to fuel your fitness regime:

  • How to increase your lifespan; 15 minutes of daily exercise

    Today's news about lazy lifestyles and couch potatoes highlights the importance of how an active and healthy lifestyle is crucial for our longevity. The new report in The British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests a sedentary lifestyle is as bad for your health as smoking and obesity because of the dangers posed by inactivity and unhealthy eating.

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