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Recovering from cancer is a mentally and physically draining process and with the aid of natural alternative treatments on a post-cancer recovery retreat you can speed up the road to recuperation and start to feel like your old self. Various therapies have been shown to relieve the side effects of conventional cancer treatments, like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which can leave you feeling tired and drained. These alternative treatments will gently heal any damage caused by cancer and start to restore your well-being back to a stronger state.
Recovering from cancer is a mentally and physically draining process and with the aid of natural alternative treatments on a post-cancer recovery retreat you can speed up the road to recuperation and start to feel like your old self. Various therapies have been shown to relieve the side effects of conventional cancer treatments, like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which can leave you feeling tired and drained. These alternative treatments will gently heal any damage caused by cancer and start to restore your well-being back to a stronger state.
Enjoy alternative therapies like Ayurveda at Ananda in the Himalayas
Ayurveda is a traditional and holistic form of medicine from the Indian subcontinent that can range from therapeutic massages to cleansing treatments. Ayurvedic diet plans aim to heal, cleanse, relax and revitalise guests in a holistic approach to wellness. Many of the traditional and natural medicines in Ayurveda treatments are from herbs, like green tea, which has been proven to reduce one of the hardest types of cancer to cure - pancreatic cancer. By experiencing the revitalising benefits of holistic treatments on an Ayurveda spa holiday you will regain your body’s natural balance and restore your vitality, leaving you feeling more like yourself again.
Try Ayurveda in India: Ananda Rejuvenation
Discover the powers of acupuncture at Chiva Som
Acupuncture is a well-known, commonly used and natural type of treatment for general pain control and more recently it has been proven to radically reduce pain in cancer patients. It reduces post-operational swelling and post-operational pain which could arise after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Also helping to relieve the common side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting, acupuncture can be an effective treatment on a medical spa holiday where recovering cancer patients can benefit from medical spa treatments in a luxury spa setting. Acupuncture is also an effective alternative treatment for recovering cancer patients as a natural remedy which supports a healthy and stable immune system.
Try Acupuncture in Thailand: Chiva Som Cell Vitality
Soak up the soothing atmosphere at Kurotel
Oxygen Therapy aids patients with supplying enough oxygen to their bloodstream which speeds up the healing process. Normally, damaged tissues heal themselves over time due to a consistent supply of blood to the healing area, however sometimes the blood vessels lose the ability to keep that flow of blood going to the healing area which slows the recovery down. Oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, which therefore aids with the healing process. This therapy would profoundly aid recovering cancer patients on a wellness holiday, as it actively speeds up the process of recovery, ensuring they can only go from strength to strength.
Try Oxygen Therapy in Brazil: Kurotel Post-Cancer
Enhance your health with Thalassotherapy at Longevity
The words ‘thalassotherapy’ derives from the Greek word ‘thalassa’, meaning ‘sea’. This natural spa holidaytreatment uses seawater as a form of therapy due to its various health benefits. From a stronger immune system and resistance to stress, to cell regeneration, thalassotherapy has been proven to aid in a range of health benefits. Aiding recovering cancer patients, thalassotherapy encompasses a variety of treatments, including the use of hydrotherapy pools, thermal baths and water circuits, saunas, steam rooms, ‘experience showers’ and more, which can all help to improve a number of conditions.
Try Thalassotherapy in Portugal: Longevity Relax & Wellness
Boost your health through chinese medicine at Kamalaya
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a natural form of medicine that includes acupuncture, massages and herbal medicines. With thousands of years of gaining and learning more knowledge, western societies are following in Chinese medicines footsteps and adopting more of their therapy techniques. Based around energy flows and how plants can have particular effects on the body, Chinese medicine is often used on stress management retreats for relaxation, anxiety and depression. Making it a good alternative therapy for in remission cancer patients recovering from the physical and mental strain of the illness, this type of therapy aids in the patient’s mental recovery, restoring mental well-being and mental health.
Try Chinese Medicine in Thailand: Kamalaya Embracing Change
Embrace the tranquility at The Banjaran
Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years and has often been used to treat the symptoms of a range of health issues. It uses natural oils that have been extracted from any part of a plant, which enhance psychological and physical well-being. An effective treatment on a relaxation spa holiday inhaling the aroma from these oils can be used for pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cerebral function. Aromatherapy amongst cancer patients has been claimed to reduce nausea, anxiety, depression and high blood pressure. This process of healing will speed up the recovery for a cancer patient and leave them feeling on the road to a revitalised body and mind.
Try Aromatherapy in Malaysia: The Banjaran Rejuvenation
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on 0203 397 8891 or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your post-cancer recovery retreat.
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