8 Ways to Exercise as a New Mum

Being a new mum is not always conducive to fitting in time to go the gym or arranging sports matches with your friends. Looking after your newborn will always take priority, but this doesn’t mean your health has to take a backseat. Take back the reigns with a healthy family holiday and learn how to fit in some mini-bursts of exercise before you depart, as we share 8 easy ways for new mums to exercise in everyday life.
Public transport
If you take public transport, then why not hop on and off your bus or train one stop earlier and grab those extra few minutes walking. Provided your journey isn’t too long, you could build up to walking the last two stops, then three, then maybe walk the whole way!
The majority of adults don’t like doing housework but we all know it must be done. Household tasks like vacuuming, dusting, gardening and scrubbing floors are all easy ways to burn off an extra few calories. Make your daily chores into a mini workout – your house and body will thank you for it should you choose to embark on family fitness holiday to up your fitness even further.
Nap time
Some days, just getting your little one to take a nap during the day is a great achievement. Double your success by using this precious alone time to squeeze in some exercise. Find an empty room and bust out some press-ups, sit-ups or jumping jacks - anything to get your heart rate up.
Involve the kids
If old enough, get your children involved with some ball games in the garden or take them for a jaunt down to the local park. By the time you escape on a fun-filled family activity holiday you will have already introduced the kids the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle to encourage good habits at an early age.
Stairs vs. lifts & escalators
Will you really save that much time by taking the lift instead of the stairs? This isn’t always possible with a pram, but if your little one is in a baby carrier, use that extra weight and choose the stairs for a great way to burn some extra calories. You can apply this tip to escalators too for a regular fitness mini-challenge.
If watching TV is integral to your evening routine, then why not combine it with using an exercise bike. Once the kids have gone to bed, hop on the static bike and get pedalling for an easy way to introduce more exercise into your life. Enjoy your favourite programmes while shedding calories; it’s win-win.
Pick an exercise you enjoy
Trying to pursue an exercise that you don’t enjoy will inevitably lead to you giving it up, due to a lack of willpower and inspiration. Find an exercise that you do enjoy by experimenting with different activities, before expanding your horizons even further on a family sports holiday which offer a variety of family friendly sports and fitness classes.
Aeroplane flights
If you’re jetting off on your first family holiday make sure to take regular walks up and down the aeroplane aisles, just to keep your blood flowing and joints mobilised. Adding in little movements like toe raises (which can be done in your seat) can aid circulation and help you avoid conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on 0203 397 8891 or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your perfect family activity holiday.